Keep your members up to date on your blog.
Here is what is coming up in Merced/Atwater during the next couple of weeks in our area. Please read the attachment about who and what will be on the June primary ballot; we need to vet these people and find out as much as we can about them so we can educate ourselves and others. There is also an attached letter regarding voter fraud from a group in San Joaquin county of special interst to us all. FYI, Pizza plus Fun is under new management and the meeting area is under seperate management. We will almost certainly be responsible for setting up tables, cleaning up, and putting everything away at the end of the meeting, so I hope I can consder every one of you a volunteer!
I look forward seeing everyone next week.
Sam Palmer
Jan 12th Turlock TPP meeting
Pizza Factory, 1050 Monte Vista Ave, Turlock, Ca
Guest Speaker Rex Ruth, he will be speaking on the State Constitution and how the Latino Community helped write our state constitutions.
more info:!/events/166067436808458/
Jan 12th Merced City Council Special Meeting
Meeting will cover redevelopment agency cancelation and funding
Jan. 17th Merced City Council Meeting
Agenda available Friday 13th at
Please see the comments below regarding new streaming video available for Atwater and Merced council meetings
Jan. 19th Merced/Atwater Monthly Meeting
Pizza plus Fun 6:30 -8:30 Winton, CA
Guest speakers Brian Weyland, candidate for our new 16th Congressional District, running against Jim Costa as Dennis Cardoza steps aside; also Stuart Dodge from NorCal TPP will rev us up on how to get the Tea Party word out and what is happening with upcoming staewide elections. We will also have committee updates on Election Integrity, Agenda 21, local city councils, etc. This will be a full meeting. FYI, Pizza plus Fun is under new management so things might be a bit differant. We will need you help to set up and take down the meeting area.
Jan 19th Madera Monthly Meeting
Thursday, January 19, 2012, 06:00pm - 08:00pm
Guest Speaker: Carey James retied Border Control Agent. Speaking on why our Borders should be closed.
Hampton Inn 3254 Airport Dr., Madera
Contact : Rick Farinelli 559-706-5386
Feb 2 Los Banos Monthly Meeting
Miller & Lux Building at 7:00pm
Linda Paine of the California Election Integrity Project will be here to speak on Voter Fraud, and how we can work together to minimize the problems. remember, a group of Progressives say: "The only way we can win is to cheat", so minimizing the cheating makes sure that your vote truly counts. Learn what you can do to make sure that our votes really do count.
Streaming video of city council meetings now available
Hello All,
My video crew does the broadcasts of both the Atwater and Merced Council meetings. I know that some people cannot attend the meetings, and some folks don't subscribe to Comcast to view the broadcast, so this week, January 9th, I am streaming the meeting via a program called Livestream. This means anyone with a good Internet connection can view the meeting.
the link is,
This is our first test of this streaming technology. We hope it works as expected. Thank you,
Jim Sanders
Merced Community Action Network
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